Thursday, March 27, 2008

Moments of isolation. It hurts to not be able to reach what you want. When you see it all around you, it surrounds you, and yet you cannot touch it. It's like the image of people trapped in a glass tank, able to see the outside world but unable to be part of that world. It hurts.

Until one day you find yourself in confinement. You are unable to function properly and your body mechanisms break down. You feel weak. There is not motivation for you to go on, there is no need for strive. You realise there is no purpose in working for you will not be rewarded, no matter how well you do you will not be recognized, no matter how much effort you exert and how much you excel, you will still not get what you want. I long to touch the outside world. I long for freedom.

Yet I'm not permitted to make a union with it. Like a lover, unable to unite with their loved one. The pain of bondage hindered by their families, like Romeo and Juliet; that is the separation I feel from my deepest desire. I am hurt. I can no longer breathe, alas I fear that I shall snap any moment now. One of these days this separation will lead to my demise. One day I will go crazy.

I have always been a patient person, but this frustration I feel for not being able to have, to conquer, to immerse myself in this freedom for which I long for so much, is evolving me into an angry person. Revolution occurs when there is an evolution of mindset. Never in my life have I felt so much anger, so much reason to rebel. Never in my life have I had the justification to act out. But when someone obstructs you from your deepest desires, could it possibly be right to simply conform with no questioning, to follow the guidelines and rules set out to you? To follow the norm, as it has been for years. Don't I have a right to satisfy my dreams? How can it possibly be right to accept these limitations if it makes my soul so unhappy. I am grieving, are you not able to see that? I am hurt.

I am young, but I am am not dumb. You give me education, and I take that education. You placed me in a set environment, and I have learnt its ways. Now you won't let me live within it's lifestyles and norms? If you were to call this fair, I would call it an unjust establishment.

My aspirations are unconventional, they are not what most people would consider solid, but when it comes down to it, isn't the most important thing you wish to achieve in this life happiness? And while an ivy-league education abroad and the integration into an elite society would produce contentment for some people, maybe for many or most, those are not my dreams. That is not what I want. Those are your dreams. Through all these years of isolation within this house, I've become, I am, a resentful prisoner behind your bars of thought.

All these years of conflict and underlying tension, of conformity or in other cases plain absence of communication to prevent you from hearing what you don't want to, it ends here. Isolation has nearly sent me into asylum. It is no longer the domestic policy I wish to resume, in fact I wish to get away from domesticity. I want to be free. I want to be there for all those friends who've needed me and whom I've disappointed simply because I was unable to spend time with them. I want to be able to leave the house whenever I want, go where ever I want and stay up late til whenever I want. What I want, is to break away from this institution.

What I want, is freedom.

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