Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I had a dream. I was surrounded by water. At a river. A big river. On a canoe. There were alot of us. I was with my family. Me, my brother, my mum and my younger brother and sister, sharing 2 canoes among us.

It started off at a steep fast-flowing stream. The rest of the villagers cautiously moving at a slow pace on the right while me and my brother soared down vertically, ignoring all the natural bends of the stream. We soared, among the trees and greenery, it was beautiful. And although in most circumstances I would normally be scared out of my mind, I was thrilled, I felt liberated! Free. It was a very nice feeling.

Maybe because I knew it was in the safety of my dreams, but really, the feeling and the colours, they all felt real to me.

Soon after that we approach a wide calm river. The widest river I've ever seen. Maybe this is what the amazon looks like. Its breathtaking. And we have two choices, to go one way or another. I guess at this moment there would be some cool piano music accompanying us. Would make for a great movie huh? At this point my mum gets out of her canoe and into the water. She just decided to jump in the water. Wow. "What's the big deal? The water isn't even that deep." she says. She can't even swim. Ofcourse after that she realised that it was indeed deep. But for some weird reason she managed to stay afloat until my brother rowed our canoe to come get her. With no struggle. This dream is really some piece of work huh? Its a miracle.

I then settled on sharing with my little sister and brother. Me at the back, and my sister at the very front, my brother safely in between. With such young people around, still it felt so safe - as if nothing would happen to them.

Anyways, my mum says out a name of a place, of which I can't remember, nor do I feel exist in reality, I've never heard of it before. And my brother replies to that by saying that we should go to the left because thats [another name of a place] and it will lead us to our [mysterious] desired location. Guess he's been here before. Where we were headed to, and what we were going to do there, I still don't know.

The dream ended before that. I woke up feeling that this was a weirdly memorable dream. It happened this morning, but tonight right as I closed my eyes, the same view appeared in my mind again. There was just endless miles of water. Its gotta mean something right? I felt so serene. They say your dream is your subconcious. But I don't have to go to a tarrot card reader to ask what this dream was trying to tell me. I already know.

Its the cry of broken teenage girl's heart longing for freedom.